Press kit
The House of European History - Facts and Figures
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Press releases

IWalk Application Now Available in French and Dutch
English (355.89 KB - PDF)Bellum et Artes - Europe and the Thirty Years’ War Exhibitions - press release
English (1.04 MB - PDF)IWalk - Hidden children, survivors of the Holocaust in Brussels
English (273.42 KB - PDF)Throwaway – The History of a modern crisis
English (1.37 MB - PDF)When Walls Talk! – House of European History opens new temporary exhibition
English (831.52 KB - PDF)House of European History opens new exhibition space - Europe Now
English (633.8 KB - PDF)“Fake for Real” – House of European History opens new temporary exhibition
English (200.69 KB - PDF)„Fake for Real“ – Eröffnung einer neuen Wechselausstellung im Haus der Europäischen Geschichte
Deutsch (205.88 KB - PDF)“Fake for Real” – une nouvelle exposition temporaire à la Maison de l’histoire européenne
français (205.41 KB - PDF)“Fake for Real” – Huis van de Europese geschiedenis opent nieuwe tijdelijke tentoonstelling
Nederlands (203.9 KB - PDF)House of European History reopens with new “Documenting Covid” display
English (235.56 KB - PDF)Restless Youth: Growing up in Europe, 1945 to Now
English (32.21 KB - PDF)From the trenches to the web: World War One centenary event
English (259.58 KB - PDF)Young Europeans Provide Perspectives on War and Peace
English (1006.79 KB - PDF)House of European History Launches Family Discovery Spaces
English (490.8 KB - PDF)Haus der Europäischen Geschichte eröffnet Entdeckungsbereiche für Familien
Deutsch (764.65 KB - PDF)La Maison de l’histoire européenne ouvre ses espaces découverte pour les familles
français (477.31 KB - PDF)Huis van de Europese geschiedenis lanceert ontdekkingsruimten voor gezinnen
Nederlands (473.34 KB - PDF)European Parliament opens the House of European History on 6 May 2017
English (231.09 KB - PDF)Filming & photography
- Please contact the museum communications team more than two weeks in advance of your filming date, to go through the necessary process. Please note, filming is only allowed in certain spaces of the museum, for media or education professionals, when it does not clash with other museum activities, and in line with the following rules:
- Filming duration should ideally be within ninety minutes; please specify the exact locations desired in advance.
- Please note that filming and photography can only be performed in a non-obtrusive way, that does not block any visitors, nor records images of their faces.
- Due to specific copyright and conservation circumstances, wide-angle shots are preferred, rather than close-ups on individual objects.
- Approximately 15 objects in the permanent exhibition cannot be photographed or filmed - these are marked by a “no photo” sticker - a list of these will be provided in advance.
- A filming permission form related to copyright of objects should be completed in advance of the filming. This is obtainable via the museum communications team.
- Filming of the entrance security areas is prohibited.
- Regarding equipment and crews: please do not use flash photography or external lights in certain locations; do not connect to power supplies.
- It is preferred that only a minimum of equipment is brought in, and additional equipment is not available for borrowing from the museum.
- Great attention should be made when moving filming equipment, so as not to touch museum furniture, showcases or objects, or mark the floor.
- Film crews should only consist of essential persons.