
A European Conscience: A biography of Hans-Gert Pöttering
Michael Gehler, Marcus Gonschor | Other | 662 pages
Articles In External Publications

Bellum & Artes - Europe and the Thirty Years’ War
Editors: Andrea Mork, Jitka Mlsová Chmelíková, Perikles Christodoulou. With the support of Claudia Brink (SKD) and
Susanne Jaeger (GWZO). 156 pages.
Our Publications

Between Authority and Dialogue:
Challenges for the House of European History | Christine Dupont | Paper | 14 pages
Articles In External Publications

Constructing the House of European History
Andrea Mork | Paper | 18 pages
Articles In External Publications

Creating the House of European History
HOUSE OF EUROPEAN HISTORY | Catalogue | 356 pages
Our Publications

Evocations of Antiquity in the House of European History: subjects, objects, museography, museology
Articles In External Publications

Extending to Europe. The House of European History in Brussels
Constanze Itzel | Paper | 11 pages
Articles In External Publications

Faire (de) la télévision
Articles In External Publications