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The euro (€) turns 20!

The euro (€) turns 20!

The common European currency, the euro, soon turns 20 and to celebrate the anniversary the House of European History hosts a selection of 15 objects donated by the European Central Bank.
Professor Włodzimierz Borodziej

In Memoriam : Professor Włodzimierz Borodziej (1956-2021)

The House of European History lost one of its own founding fathers. Professor Włodzimierz Borodziej, who died on 12 July, was an eminent and outstanding historian of the recent history of Poland and Central and Eastern Europe.
US Politics, Joe Biden and European History

US Politics, Joe Biden and European History

Following the inauguration of United States President Joe Biden, and over half a decade on from his visit to the European Parliament, we asked the House of European History team to what extent both events have contributed to European History...