In ihrem Artikel analysiert Andrea Mork, leitende Kuratorin des Hauses der Europäischen Geschichte, die theoretischen Grundlagen der Dauerausstellung des neuen Museums sowie die Leitgedanken und zentralen Botschaften, die für ihre Gestaltung ausschlaggebend waren.
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Commemoration depends on current views of the past. The conference “Europäische Erinnerungskulturen – European Commemoration 2014” gave an overview of the initiatives, narratives and commemorations taking place across Europe. This expert conference provided an opportunity to analyse common perceptions and to discuss different opinions about what the First World War still stood for a hundred years later.
What are the correlations between national, transnational and European perspectives? Is there a difference between a European perspective and multiperspectivity? What can and what should be the goal of historical education concerning the First World War?
The contributions in this anthology reflect on these questions, reveal blind spots and present new approaches and projects to European Commemoration of the First World War. It comprises contributions from Alan Kramer “Too early to say?”, Aleida Assmann “European Commemoration of the Great War”, Joke van del Leeuw Roord “Memory and Remembrance in history education” and Maceiej Gorny “Our war? Eastern Europe`s experience and memory of the Great war”.