Das Haus der Europäischen Geschichte ist ein vom Europäischen Parlament begründetes und verwaltetes Museum für europäische Geschichte und wurde im Mai 2017 in Brüssel eröffnet. Mit welchen Herausforderungen ist dieses besondere Museum konfrontiert?
Verfügbare Formate und Sprachen
This contribution offers the point of view of one of the curators who has been working, since the launch of the project in 2011, on the development of its content and communication. The museum is therefore at the centre of the article, first from the perspective of its collections and presentations (which narrative for the history of Europe?), then from the perspective of the standards that it follows and of the professional practices that it promotes, and finally from the perspective of what the European transnational specificity of this museum implies, both in terms of its content and in terms of how it functions within a European institution.
Abbildung ©: Flickr, Lizenz CC. Tempo-Team.