Fake (f)or Real: The House of European History in Teloglion (YouTube)
Fake (f)or Real: Το σπίτι της Ευρωπαϊκής Ιστορίας στο Τελλόγλειο
Dion TV, 2 February 2024, by Dimitra Makri, interview with Constanze Itzel and Joanna Urbanek
Les petites histoires européennes (episode 1)
LN24, 11 April 2024, by Charlotte Baut
Dresdner Schau zu Rolle der Kunst im Dreißigjährigen Krieg
Die Zeit (online), 23 April 2024
La guerre de Trente Ans, le premier conflit qui ravagea l’Europe, s’expose à la Maison de l’Histoire européenne
RTBF, 24 April 2024, by Johan Rennotte
Bellum et Artes: Der Dreißigjährige Krieg durch die Linse der Kunst
BRF Nachrichten, 26 April 2024, by Boris Schmidt
Expo ontrafelt horror van Dertigjarige Oorlog
De Tijd, 15 May 2024, by Koen Van Boxem
Фалшиви документи и подправени биографии: Изложба развенчава дългогодишни вярвания, (YouTube)(Fake documents and forged biographies: an exhibition debunks long-held beliefs)
Nova TV, 22 July 2024, by Eva Kostova, interviews with Constanze Itzel and Joanna Urbanek
La Maison de l’histoire européenne inaugure une exposition consacrée aux déchets
RTBF online, 20 February 2023
معرض من النفايات في بروكسل يحكي تاريخ أوروبا خلال 200 عام (YouTube)
(An exhibition of waste in Brussels tells the history of Europe during 200 years)
Al Qahera news, 4 March 2023, by Waseem Ibraheem
Tentoonstelling 'Weggooien': Onze vuilnisbak vertelt heel wat over ons
Radio 1 (VRT), 18 May 2023, by Margot Devloo, interview with Christine Dupont
The House of European History
Kent & Surrey Bylines, 13 September 2023, by Charlotte Mbali
El museo de Europa expone diccionarios de catalán y euskera como muestra de diversidad
EFE, 26 September 2023, by Dani Rovirosa
L'europe Au Coeur
RCF radio, 3 November 2023, by Jean Lannoy, Interview series with Blandine Smilansky
Le faux, plus vrai que le vrai
La Libre Belgique, 29 January 2022, by Aurore Vaucelle, interview with Samina Badica
Quand les murs parlent ! l’Europe s’affiche à la Maison de l’Histoire européenne
RTBF.BE, 29 April 2022, by Xavier Ess
Un repaso a últimos 100 años de historia de Europa a través de sus carteles, (YouTube)
EFE, 29 April 2022, by Leopoldo Rodriguez
Bruxelles vit! Charlotte Maréchal vous emmène à la découverte de la Maison de l’histoire européenne, et plus précisément de l’exposition temporaire “Quand les murs parlent !” qui s’y déroule
BX1+, 3 May 2022, by Charlotte Maréchal
'When Walls Talk': Brussels exhibition retraces 100 years of European history in posters
Euronews, 24 May 2022, by Meabh MacMahon and Lucy Caile, interview with Raluca Neamu
When Walls Talk: Μια έκθεση στις Βρυξέλλες ανατρέχει σε 100 χρόνια ευρωπαϊκής ιστορίας μέσα από αφίσες
(When Walls Talk: An exhibition in Brussels looks back at 100 years of European history through posters)
Athens Voice, 15 October 2022, by Νεκταρία Ζαγοριανάκου
À Bruxelles, les "fake news" s’exposent au musée
France Info 20 January 2021, by Angélique Bouin
A Bruxelles una mostra sulla storia del falso
Euronews IT, 7 June 2021, by Alberto De Filippis
Le plus grand Musée du Monde
La Première - RTBF, 7 August 2021, by Jean-Pol Hecq
L’ histoire du faux et de la contrefaçon episode
RTBF, 7 December 2021, by Cindya Izzarelli - interview with Simina Badica
House of European History reopens with exhibition on corona crisis
The Brussels Times, 18 June 2020, by Mose Apelblat
Von gefälschten Vermeers bis zu Fake News: Ausstellung in Brüssel
Euronews (DE), 23 October 2020, by Isabel Silva
Falsificaciones e imitaciones, otra forma de contar la historia de Europa
La Vanguardia, 23 October 2020, by María Moya
“Documenting Covid” alla Casa della Storia Europea a Bruxelles
Canal ARTE, 30 October 2020, by Beatrice Paggliani
Fake news is as old as news itself
3 November 2020, Financial Times, by Michael Peel
FAKE FOR REAL: Une histoire du faux et de la contrefaçon
Le Soir, 30 December 2020, by Jean-Marie Wynants
Forum Demokratie zu Europa: Constanze Itzel im Gespräch mit Moderatorin Michaela Kolster
Phoenix, 21 December 2017, by Michaela Kolster
Schriftsteller Menasse präsentiert "sein" Brüssel
ORF Weltjournal, 9 October 2018
"Mostramos o que os europeus têm em comum mas também o que os divide"
Publico, 30 October 2018, by Rita Siza, interview with Constanze Itzel
Museumsleiterin: "Wissen über Geschichte ist gering"
Der Standard, 10 November 2019, By Manuela Honsig-Erlenburg, interview with Constanze Itzel