1. "Q&A session - Taking Stock of European Memory Projects on Solidarity - Case Studies". European Remembrance Symposium 2023, Organised by the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity (ENRS), Barcelona, Spain, May 10 2023.
  2.  "History beyond borders" (La historia más allá de las fronteras) - Panel Debate, University of Guadalajara, 28 November 2023.
  3. “What’s the point of history… if we never learn?” Dialogue, Remembrance and Solidarity in Europe. New Challenges for Public History and Historical Education international forum. Remembrance at Sites of Memory and in Urban Spaces’, Berlin, Germany, 16-17 October 2023.


1. "How to do the history of the European Union?", organised by the French Embassy in the Czech Republic and the French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences (CEFRES), within the framework of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Prague, Czechia,  14 April 2022, 
2. "Collect, Curate & Communicate", Sharing a transnational history of Europe, organised by NEMO, webinar, 16 June 2022.


  1. Beyond infodemic: A virtual tour of the history of forgery and falsehood, ISEDUGATE guest seminar, 24 May 2021.
  2. "Was ist Europa?" (What is Europe?),  conference organised by HALLE FÜR KUNST, Graz, Austria, 6 June 2021.
  3. 5030 Roundtable discussion with Human Rights Education Practitioners, organised by Group of the European Youth for Change (GEYC) Romania, 9 November 2021





  1. "How can we shape, define and contribute to cultural heritage?" Speech at the conference on "Cultural heritage in Europe: linking past and future", by Constanze Itzel, Brussels, Belgium. 2 July 2018.
  2. "En quête d'un héritage européen commun" (In search of a common European heritage), organised by Maison Heinrich Heine Paris, 3 October 2018.


  1. "Constanze Itzel in conversation with moderator Michaela Kolster", Forum Democracy in Europe - Phoenix Online, Brussels, Belgium, 21 December 2017.
  2. "Region, Nation, Union - The Future of the European Project", "Forum Democracy in Europe - Phoenix Online, 21 December 2017, Brussels, Belgium, 21 December 2017.